
New Leather Doctor – Werribee

tony pompallier the leather doctor werribeePlease welcome yet another new Leather Doctor to our team – Tony. He will be operating the The Leather Doctor Werribee territory in Victoria.

We spoke to him about his reasons for joining The Leather Doctor and what he hopes to achieve with the business.

Here’s what he had to say…

What was it that attracted you to run The Leather Doctor Werribee business?

I liked the idea of returning to a profession where both design/fabrication and managerial skills were required along with direct contact with customers. I enjoy addressing issues that require individual and specific solutions being developed and put in place.

What did you do prior to becoming a Leather Doctor?

Prior to joining the Leather Doctor team, I was employed as a Clinical Consultant Orthotist at hospitals and sports medicine clinics both in Australia and New Zealand. My role was the design, fabrication and manufacture of specific orthopaedic appliances and/or supports for orthopaedic issues. I was then employed for many years in various managerial roles within the health and justice systems in Australia and New Zealand.

How long have you been with The Leather Doctor for?

I have been involved with the Leather Doctor for approximately 6 years now. Initially I was a contractor, then moved to being a part owner of a region. Now I’m a Leather Doctor franchisee.


What territory will you operate?

I will be running The Leather Doctor Werribee territory in Victoria.

What do you hope to achieve during your time as a Leather Doctor?

Simply to see customers with a smile on their face when a sometimes complicated issues have been successfully resolved.

Tell us something interesting about yourself?

Happy to be happy, not so happy to be sad or over serious.

Describe your ideal weekend?

Honestly my idea of a perfect weekend would be having the time to do what I need to do, if it was time to do it, otherwise time with family and friends making the best of the time available.


If you’re in need of Tony’s’ assistance for Leather or Vinyl cleaning, maintenance, repairs or re-colouring in the Werribee and surrounds area, please contact him today:

The Leather Doctor Werribee

Phone – 0406 969 659

Email –

About The Leather Doctor

Leather Doctors are highly skilled in undertaking a variety of work to leather and vinyl furniture, seating, car and boat interiors, medical and gym equipment, restaurant seating, office furniture and accessories to include:

  • cleaning and conditioning to leather and vinyl,

  • stain removal on leather and vinyl,

  • repairs to cuts, burns, scuffs and stitching on leather and vinyl,

  • re-colouring leather,

  • re-upholstery of leather, vinyl and fabric furniture and seating,

  • recliner mechanical repairs, and

  • foam replacements and frame repairs to furniture and seating.

All Leather Doctors travel in branded vans which allows them to come to you to complete jobs, giving you peace of mind about who you are letting into your home or business.

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