
New Leather Doctor – Launceston

Leather Doctor Launceston Tasmania Please welcome yet another new Leather Doctor to our network – Matt! He will be operating The Leather Doctor Launceston territory and The Timber Doctor Tasmania territory. We spoke to him about his reasons for joining The Leather Doctor and what he hoped to achieve with the business.

Here’s what he had to say…

What was it that attracted you to join The Leather Doctor business?

I wanted to start a business that would provide for my family and let me spend more time with them at the same time.

What did you do prior to becoming a Leather Doctor?

Before becoming a Leather Doctor, I was a Child Safety Officer for the QLD government.

What territory will you manage?

I will manage the Leather Doctor Launceston and Fabric Doctor Launceston territory in Tasmania. I will also manage the Timber Doctor and Stone Doctor territory in all of Tasmania.

What was it about the Leather Doctor franchise that appealed to you?

The Leather Doctor appealed more than other businesses as the people I know in the business spoke very highly of it, and it seemed like work I would enjoy.

What do you hope to achieve during your time as a Leather Doctor?

I hope to provide a good life for my family and build up the business so I can hire a few people to help out.

What advice would you give someone looking to work in a franchise? 

Maybe to just go for it, there are always reasons not to do something… but if you don’t go for it, you will never know how good it could be.

Tell us something interesting about yourself?

I’m a huge nerd, but also love being outdoors and going to the gym.

Describe your ideal weekend?

An ideal weekend would be spending the day hiking to a waterfall, then spending the night playing video games or board games with my family.


If you’re in need of Matt’s assistance for Leather, Vinyl or Fabric cleaning, maintenance, repairs or re-colouring in the Launceston and surrounds area, please contact him via:

The Leather Doctor Launceston

P: 0400 802 308


About The Leather Doctor

Leather Doctors are highly skilled in undertaking a variety of work to leather and vinyl furniture, seating, car and boat interiors, medical and gym equipment, restaurant seating, office furniture and accessories to include:

  • cleaning and conditioning to leather and vinyl,
  • stain removal on leather and vinyl,
  • repairs to cuts, burns, scuffs and stitching on leather and vinyl,
  • re-colouring leather,
  • re-upholstery of leather, vinyl and fabric furniture and seating,
  • recliner mechanical repairs, and
  • foam replacements and frame repairs to furniture and seating.

All Leather Doctors travel in branded vans which allows them to come to you to complete jobs, giving you peace of mind about who you are letting into your home or business.

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4 Comments. Leave new

  • Peter D'Alton
    January 30, 2024 6:40 am

    Would just like to say Matt ( North West Tasmania) is a credit to the company, absolutely went out of his way to help us out with a couch issue when we were having no luck with warranty repairs from place of purchase. Great job Matt, thankyou.

    • Sarah McGowan
      February 5, 2024 9:45 am

      Thank you for your kind review Peter! Delighted to hear that Matt was such a great help to you. We know he would appreciate a review on his business page if you’re willing:

    • Hi Peter,
      Thank you so much for the great review, it means allot to me that people are happy with my service. I am glad I was able to help get things sorted for you and that the recliner is working again.
      Kind regards,

  • Nicholas forbes
    May 18, 2024 2:35 pm

    Hi I have got a lounge and an arm charge leather. I think it is Italian design. White. Can I change the colour to a dark colour . My phone number is. 0419567904


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